Write For Us

We accept guest posts on our website spankbang on practically any tech-related topic or category, including technology business, tech news, tech blogs, web development, finance, real estate, stock markets, and so on. You can take advantage of being at the top of our website’s page because we welcome user-generated blogs.

This gives you the advantage of receiving leads and traffic directly to your website. So if you relate to any of the categories that we have mentioned then email us at laibasheikh684343@gmail.com or visit our Submit Blog post page.

spankbang provides an excellent opportunity to all passionate writers who are looking to be a regular writer. Our website is for all tech enthusiasts who want to learn about technology, hack it, and share ideas and information. If you think you can provide quality content on Technology Write For Us.

Content subjects should be unique and not plagiarized. Using simple language that include detailed information should benefit our readers. If you want to publish tough technical articles or topic-based pieces, your content should be unique. The articles can be long.

However, guest posting with infographics, facts, and correct information is greatly encouraged. We don’t care about the word count. What matters is the relevance and freshness of the material. Avoid grammatical errors. You may also include photographs and provide credit to the source.

Write For Us Technology or Tech Blogs Write for Us and

Write for Us Entertainment

Because readers are always eager to learn more about emerging technology, we welcome writers to write about the most recent tech subjects. Tech News Write for the US on the latest technological breakthroughs. If you’re a good writer who wants to offer the most latest technology news, you can write for us. The approach can be straightforward, but the themes should be the most relevant. Don’t spread old news! We believe in sharing time-sensitive information with our readers.

Furthermore, if you are a blogger, spankbang is a ready-made blogging platform for guest posts. Tech Blogs Write for us and be a regular blogger. We simply expect you to write well-researched and interesting articles for our audience. We do not accept any copy-pasted articles. Exclusivity is the most crucial factor to us. If you have already blogged and stacked articles, here is the spot for you. Share and write for Us Tech blogs to build a permanent audience. You can contribute as many blogs as you want. We don’t have a number count.

spankbang is also the ideal blogging platform for business owners. Entrepreneurs that have been exploring and producing new era technologies can write for US Technology Business-related publications. However, we restrict promotional and hard-core sales articles. Your posts should be useful and engaging, with unique ideas for our readers. Technology Business Write For US writings should be informative. It should also serve to increase value and information for our readers.

What we are looking for:

We are committed to offering our audience content that’s relevant and adds value.

  • Well-researched articles supported by credible data
  • Fresh perspectives and innovative insight
  • Topics related to SaaS, Software, Sales & Marketing

What we are NOT looking for:

  •  Articles that are promotional, plagiarised and/or of low-quality quality
  •  Articles that have already been published elsewhere

Who can contribute:

  • C-suite/ Founders
  • Marketers
  • Sales people
  • Researchers

Guest Writer Guidelines:

  • Submit only original content
  • Create an information hierarchy with a snappy title and subheadings for easy comprehension.
  • Minimum word count should be 1000
  • Provide required visuals (images, videos, infographics) along with your content
  • Include an author bio of 120 words or less

Also, visit Spankbang for more quality information.